Short Presentation of Dr. Romolo Marcelli

Dr. Romolo Marcelli has received the degree of Doctor in Physics in 1983 from the University of Rome "La Sapienza".

Starting from 1984, he obtained a three years grant from Selenia S.p.A. (presently Alenia) in the framework of a cooperation with the Italian National Research Council (CNR) on "Magnetostatic wave devices for microwave applications". During that period, he was involved in the Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) growth of magnetic garnet films and their characterization by means of FerroMagnetic Resonance (FMR) experiments at X band. In particular, a complete thermodynamic model for the LPE growth of high quality films was developed.

In the following years, his activity was mainly focused in the design and experiments on MagnetoStatic Wave (MSW) devices based on magnetic garnet films for wideband filtering applications and oscillators. Both, cw and pulsed regime response of MSW devices have been studied for linear and non-linear microwave signal processing purposes. Significative results of that activity were the realization of linear, non-dispersive and tunable delay lines and the soliton generation for pulse compression.

In 1987 he became a permanent member of CNR. From 1991 to 1997 Dr. Marcelli was the head of the Microwave Materials and Devices Group at the "Istituto di Elettronica dello Stato Solido del CNR".

Presently, he is the head of the Microwave Microsystem Technology Group (M2T) of CNR

Current interests of the Group include:

Main Activities in Contracts, Professional Societies and International Agreements:

Dr. Marcelli is member of:


  1. the growth and basic characterization of microwave materials,
  2. the design, realization and test of microwave magnetic devices,
  3. the excitation of nonlinear waves in magnetic and GaAs nonlinear transmission lines,
  4. the design, realization and test of micromachined microwave circuits